Who is Eligible?
A child must be under the age of 21 and posses a valid medical card through the state of PA to receive services. With a diagnosis of Autism or other serious emotional disturbance (SED), children can receive this card regardless of family income. Once the child has the necessary medical coverage, an evaluation is completed by a licensed psychologist/psychiatrist who determines what services are medically necessary. (This initial evaluation is only valid for 60 days). Following this initial evaluation, a meeting is held with the prescriber, county representative/BSU, school personnel, insurance representatives, and family to determine goals and # of hours of treatment needed. The family will then choose a wraparound provider that will implement the recommendations set forth by the team and provide the services deemed medically necessary.
Because BHRS services are meant to take place in non-traditional settings, the family of a child with autism or SED can utilize these services to assist with in home therapy, such as Discrete Trial Instruction Programs, Therapeutic Play, and Social Skills Training, Picture Schedules, among others. Autism is a disorder best treated through early interventions, and intense treatment. BHRS can provide the family with trained therapists to work with you and your child on specific goals and objectives.